Peter Noyes elementary school lists this book in there online catalog. I’ve been keeping an eye out and up to now i thought they were ok— but now i have my doubts and will have to get more involved… I notified my granddaughters parents about this.
Edward, I've started a Parental Rights Sudbury facebook page. I'm trying to get people organized. I have two kids in the Noyes school and another at Curtis.
We checked the Noyes catalog and it appears to be available in ebook format. If that is correct, there won't be a physical copy at the school but students can access it electronically!
Peter Noyes elementary school lists this book in there online catalog. I’ve been keeping an eye out and up to now i thought they were ok— but now i have my doubts and will have to get more involved… I notified my granddaughters parents about this.
Thank you for letting us know!
Edward, I've started a Parental Rights Sudbury facebook page. I'm trying to get people organized. I have two kids in the Noyes school and another at Curtis.
how did you find it ?
joined group thanks - but there’ 5 of you Richard so didn’t direct message (which one)
I’m not great with Facebook so how do i get to ur Sudbury Parents page. All also share with my daughter, my granddaughter is at Noyes
look up Parental Rights Sudbury and it should pop up. Send me a direct message if you look up Richard Thalmann you'll find me.
Did you get permission to use the excerpts? You might be violating copyright.
We checked with an attorney first, but thanks for your concern.
It’s on the school library online catalog. See the email body from MIP to get to the link
I hope it’s a mistake and not physically at the school but i’ll be checking soon
We checked the Noyes catalog and it appears to be available in ebook format. If that is correct, there won't be a physical copy at the school but students can access it electronically!
isn’t that worse these days -?? I’ll have to figure out how to make the parents aware
Quincy Public Schools don't have it - I checked, but Quincy Public Library has it.