Hey Boston - Sexualizing Kids is Nothing to Be Proud Of
Warning: NSFW content (and receipts) ahead.
Last Saturday (June 8th) was Boston’s “Boston Pride for the People” parade, festival and block party. According to news reports, more than one million people attended. And while one could write quite a bit about the drama surrounding this event (apparently there’s quite a backstory of historical infighting in the world of “Boston Pride,” and there was some dissension amongst the ranks this year, too, resulting in a highly-publicized protest), figuring out why so many members of a radical activist community can’t play nice in the sandbox isn’t our goal. Frankly, it’s not even that surprising.
But rather than focus on the Parade and festivities themselves, we are concerned with who was in attendance. More specifically, we are concerned that kids were there.
(Watch the reel below and see if you can spot the young child being pulled in a wagon, directly behind a float with a pole dancer on it.)
Kids have no business being at a celebration of adult sexuality.
Lots of kids were present.
Lots and lots of kids.
Even Mayor Wu got into the exposing-kids-to-weird-sex-stuff bandwagon.
So did Senator Markey.
And while we could sit here all day and put up photos of minors who were in attendance, we won’t, for two reasons. First, one kid there is too many, so more photos aren’t necessary. Second, it takes too long to redact their little faces (as is our practice when posting pics of kids). If you want to go see more pics of kids at Boston Pride, check out Instagram, Twitter/X or Facebook. They aren’t hard to find.
Why do some parents think kids belong at Pride events? Well, a charitable read would be that maybe they think it’s a nice way to teach their kids to be accepting, or to appreciate diversity. Maybe they have a gay uncle Charlie who they want to show support for, and they think this is a good way to do it. Maybe they think celebrating Pride is a kind thing to do. Maybe they just think it’s no big deal - something fun and free to do on a sunny Saturday in the city.
(All of those reasons are bad, but sometimes good people have bad ideas, and we want to acknowledge that.)
But some parents have clearly lost their minds, as evidenced here.
From this tweet we learn two things. First, some people are terrible parents. Second, they sell genitalia-shaped plushies at Boston Pride.
They also sell a variety of merchandise, like these “Horny Animal Badges.”
And shirts that say “No Holes, No Goals,” “God is Trans,” and “Mutt Slut.”
And while we would hope that minors are kept away from such adult merchandise, the young-boy-holding-penis-toy photo above shows that is not the case.
NSFW merch aside, there’s also other adults-only items laid out in plain view, like these sex toys used for a ring-toss game. Fun fact: Codman Health didn’t share a photo of their booth. (I wonder why? Thankfully, this nice lady did.)
There was also massive displays of free condoms, colorfully packaged like candy, advertised as “Butt Stuff Approved.”
But the disgusting NSFW merch, sex-toy-ring-toss and prophylactics given out like candy on Halloween aren’t the only reasons kids have no business at Boston Pride (or any pride event, for that matter). There’s also the nudity.
Are shirts just totally optional for women now in Boston?
And even aside from frontal nudity, there’s plenty of other gross, porn-adjacent stuff to go around. Like this drag performer:
Or this intentionally-gender-bending float-rider.
And this intentionally-gender-ambiguous pole dancer:
Or Mr. Buttcheeks, on the right-hand side of this photo:
Oh, and don’t forget the homages to polyamory, like this one:
Boobs and butts and throuples, all in public in the middle of the day, in clear view of children. We could go on and on, but you get the idea.
The “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence,” grown men who wear underwire bras on their heads and pretend to be kinky nuns, also made an appearance. Even many non-religious parents wouldn’t want their kids around these guys, so while they are not particularly appealing to children (horror movie villain vibes and all), their presence is worth a mention.
But what was likely the most attractive part of the parade to children, and needs to be talked about more, were the furries. There were lots and lots of furries at Boston Pride.
See, some people still either really don’t know that furries are “a thing,” or if they know about furries, they think they are just a fandom. In their mind, furries are like Disney adults who get mouse-ears tattoos and name their firstborn son Mickey, or Star Wars aficionados who quote Darth Vader a little too often and have models of the Death Star hanging in their dining room. Maybe it’s a little bit eccentric, maybe a bit juvenile, but it’s harmless fun and fantasy.
Fantasy it is, for sure. But for most adult furries, it’s a sexual fantasy. A fetish. And a fetish on parade, at that.
A close cousin to the furry fetish is pup play, which was on display quite a bit at Boston Pride.
Furries and pup-players often intermingled at the parade. Grown men (and some women), wearing fetish gear, walking around in the middle of the day. In public. In front of kids.
See the two little kids watching these guys as they walk by?
Here’s a closeup of one of the furries, who is clearly visible waking right by those little kids in his purple jock strap.
But it gets worse.
See this man in a bird suit, high-fiving a little girl?
He was quite a popular fella at the parade.
He was there with Anthro New England, the official furry organization that marched in the parade and also had a booth.
He is also a total pervert who has no business being around kids. Ever. Here are a few of his tweets (no pun intended), from just a few days before Boston Pride.
See how he’s talking about incest porn? That’s because incest porn is a thing that is popular with many furries. It’s not the only kind of porn that furries like (furries are big on porn, by the way - he has his own porn account as well, as seen below), but it might be the most disturbing.
But the bird-man isn’t the only porn-addled furry at Boston Pride. There’s also this pretend-lion guy, who was in tons of parade pictures:
He’s also into incest porn, as his twitter shows:
And while we absolutely DO NOT recommend that you look this account up, just in case there is any doubt that we are talking about incest porn, here’s the artist that drew that last picture.
All of this matters because here is proof that at Boston Pride, little kids were in close proximity to grown adults who conceal their identities while practicing their sexual fetish in public. Also, they think incest is sexy.
Sex offenders hiding within the furry community is a known issue, as this article highlights. Also, it’s common sense that people who have deviant sexual desires would like to hide-in-plain-sight, which one can easily do inside a fursuit. But since some people still don’t seem to grasp the danger that exists when sex fetish communities are normalized and presented in a way that is appealing to children, we have to share this with you.
It’s gross to have to look into this stuff. But the truth is, this is what is happening. This is what kids are exposed to when they go to a Pride parade. Don’t think for a moment that a social media-savvy 10 year old couldn’t find the same pictures and accounts that we did - they absolutely could. And if anyone tries to tell you that furries aren’t sexual, or that it’s no big deal for a child to connect with the furry community online or in person, show them this post.
Kids are extremely impressionable. It’s our job to protect them. We must tell the truth, before it’s too late.
We have to tell the truth because there are people like these two, and far too many like them, who will pretend that the Pride subculture isn’t dangerous.
They think they know what is better for your kids than you do. If your child is teetering on the edge of falling into dangerous gender confusion or sexual promiscuity, they will be the first person in line to push them off the cliff. In the name of “love” and “acceptance,” they 100% will come between you and your child.
Oh, and so will these folks, who also think they know how to parent your kid better than you do.
These folks do, too.
But if your vulnerable child ends up in crisis as a result of the confusion and sexualization pushed by the Pride contingent and reinforced by a battalion of woke teachers and “Free Dad Hugs” creepers, who will be there to pick up the pieces? Will Mx. Ash, the nonbinary guidance counselor be there to comfort your daughter after she realizes that cutting her breasts off was a huge mistake? Will the school librarian who snuck a copy of Gender Queer into your son’s backpack be there years later to help him file a lawsuit against the doctors who prescribed the chemical castration drugs that destroyed his chance to be a father someday, back when he was too young to understand the consequences? Will Ms. “I’m Your Mom Now” be the one to call the police after the furry your child met online turns out to be a 34-year-old sex offender trying to convince your kid to send them nudes?
No, they won’t. Because they don’t actually know or love your child. You do. And it’s your job to protect them.
Mom and Dad (and Grandma and Grandpa, and concerned citizens everywhere), this is why kids have no business at Boston Pride, or any other Pride event. Pride is a sexualized subculture on steroids, and protecting kids from this madness should be a no-brainer.
The woke culture and mainstream media ignores the red flags that fly right next to the rainbow ones, but we know they are there. Now you do, too.
Don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise. And spread the word.
Need more evidence that exposing kids to Pride parades can influence them profoundly? Watch this video. Starting at the 4:00 mark, this boy’s parents explain how they took their kids to a Pride event to “let them see the diversity of the world around them.” Their 4 year old son, who had already exhibited a (completely normal) interest in music and dance, saw the drag queen performing. He couldn’t (and still can’t) understand the sexual side of drag - he just liked the music and the fun costumes - but he became obsessed.
Now at 6 years old, he now performs sexualized routines with adults. And it all started with exposing an impressionable child to a drag performance at Pride.
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I never understood why a group of people would make who they have sex with their entire identity.
Thank you for this. Horrible. Will pass it on.