Wake up, Wakefield Parents. Activists are Advising your Kids.
If this is what your school allows in December, what do they have planned for Pride Month?!
Twas the week before Christmas, and Wakefield Memorial High School staff found themselves in a giving spirit. But instead of giving students something beneficial, or helpful, or good, they gave them… indoctrination and gender confusion. This “gift” was given through a presentation (and some crazy groomer resources) presented to students during their 12/21 Extended Homeroom/Advisory period.
Were students and parents warned in advance? From what we can tell, no. Just like someone might keep an (actual) gift as a surprise from the planned recipient, families weren’t told about this presentation, either. Sure, the admin knew, as did the guidance counselors, who planned it (ostensibly with the input from the school’s Gender and Sexualities Alliance (GSA), a classic cover for adult agendas). Teachers knew, too, because they were expected to facilitate the indoctrination with their students. But students and parents appear to have been kept in the dark, and not given the opportunity to opt out of this human sexuality-related presentation.

The staff attorney from Massachusetts Family Institute caught wind of this, and submitted a public records request to the Wakefield Public Schools requesting the following:
It took the Wakefield records officer a couple tries to respond to the request (and if we’re being honest, they still didn’t get it right), but here’s what the attorney received:
So, it seems like the only people getting communication about the 12/21 LGBTQ lesson were the staff. Based on the response from the WPS records officer, nothing went out to parents or students.
But it’s not that the principal didn’t have an opportunity to communicate about this Extended Homeroom/Advisory lesson… she did. She just chose not to.
Here we see her WMHS Principal’s Update for the week in question, where the Extended Homeroom/Advisory is mentioned, but with no indication whatsoever that there is a special lesson planned (even though it’d been in the works for weeks):
(We added the yellow box. Otherwise, you might have missed the mention of the Extended Homeroom/Advisory period entirely.)
Principal She/Her couldn’t find time to tell parents about the special presentation planned for students on the 21st, but she managed to make sure everyone had the full details of the “Cocoa & Cookies” event. I guess it’s all about priorities. She thinks it’s important for parents to know how they can “add some Holiday Cheer to the faculty and staff!”, but not for them to know that their kids are about to be indoctrinated into queer theory and the progressive political agenda.
So, what WAS the content of that oh-so-secret presentation? Here are some “highlights:”
“Should.” According to whom?
(Funny how it says “Despite the current war against [pronouns], they’re just grammar,” yet if you don’t say Xe/Xem like someone wants you to, you are expected to apologize…)
Then they inserted the “Gender Unicorn,” the farcically unscientific graphic found most often in sex ed lessons (not homeroom!):
Why is it important to be indoctrinated into the rainbow agenda? Because according to them, not using someone’s “preferred pronouns” is basically as bad as chattel slavery…
but fortunately, Democrat presidents are here to save the day!
However, we can’t just be happy about the “progress” that’s been made. We have to keep being angry social justice warriors…
because evil, bad Republicans are passing “Harmful” laws!
The descriptions of some of these laws are not accurate, and the title is clearly biased. There are only two possible explanations for this: either the slideshow-creators are ignorant (possibly because they only consulted biased sources?), or they are deliberately misrepresenting the information. Neither option is acceptable.
And… here we go with the guilt trip, brought to you by “data.” Informed parents understand that data can be easily manipulated, and that these surveys are written in a certain way in order to yield the result necessary to spur further funding for their cause. Kids rarely have that insight, which is all the more reason why Wakefield parents should demand accountability for the adults involved in this nonsense.
We have to wonder, did any of the students ask, “What counts as bullying? Does not calling someone Ze/Zir count as bullying? What about not wanting a member of the opposite sex to watch you change in the locker room count?” And if they did, what was the social cost of asking those questions?
(As evidence continues to mount about the dangers of “gender affirming care,” presenting information like this to impressionable students is increasingly irresponsible. If the people doing this survey, or those presenting this slideshow, were really concerned about gender-confused children self-harming, they would speak out against the puberty suppression, taking of cross sex hormones, and elective surgical removal of healthy body parts marketed to these vulnerable youth, not play along with their delusions.)
Did any of the teachers implementing this lesson happen to mention that many detransitioners cite being a victim of sexual violence as one of the REASONS that they adopted a trans identity, rather than the other way around?
Or did any of them point out the fact that it’s far more likely that kids who reported self-harm or thoughts of suicide did it because they struggle with mental health issues, NOT because they “identify” as a sexual or gender minority?
We assume not, since showing the downside of the pride agenda wasn’t the goal of this lesson. Instead, these twisted stats were used as an impetus to make other students feel bad about not bending over backward to coddle the emotions (and synthetic identities) of kids (and adults) who identify as queer.
If a student isn’t a good enough ally, they can join one of these groups to learn how to “do the work” even better.
And if you’re a minor student who is confused about their gender or sexuality (or you like to get extra attention, or you just want to get out of math class), you can always talk to your school mental health workers about your sexual feelings (never mind your parents - just come straight to us!).
Kids, you can go to the “Additional Resources and Supports” sent to your school email.
While the woke rhetoric in these slides is enough to choke a horse, this is only a portion of the presentation. You can download the full lesson here:
But don’t overlook the list of Resources, sent to students in their school email. This list includes information on some of the worst local groomer organizations. Through these websites, kids can receive puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones, connections to online chatrooms known to be predator-havens, connections to abortion providers, and more.
None of which, we’re willing to bet, is an approved part of the official curriculum. And yet, here it is.
This lesson raises many questions that we think Wakefield parents should pose to their school committee members, shortly after they bring this lesson to their attention:
Why were parents not informed in advance of this lesson regarding human sexuality issues, and provided an opportunity to opt out, in accordance with Wakefield Public Schools Policy 901(R)(E)?
Why are students being subjected to lessons not listed in the Course of Studies? How often are extra-curricular lessons presented to students, without the knowledge of the school committee?
Are all clubs granted the same level of authority and opportunity to provide lessons to teachers to present during Extended Homeroom/Advisory periods? If a Wakefield school had a Bible club, or a Young Republicans group, would they be given the same access?
What lessons were taught during the OTHER Extended Homeroom/Advisory periods in the Wakefield Public Schools? Were they about other controversial issues? (Parents, anyone can do a public record request. If you’ve never done one before, here’s a great excuse to start.)
Who is responsible for approving this Advisory lesson? If a minor student uses the list of resources provided in this lesson to connect with an outside adult, and then the student is trafficked, molested, or otherwise harmed by this outside adult that they met as a direct result of being provided with this resource list, which staff member will be held responsible?
If this is the type of sexualized lesson your administrators and guidance counselors cram down on kids (and teachers, who are expected to facilitate it!) during the week before Christmas, what ON EARTH do you have planned for Pride Month?
If you aren’t in Wakefield, here’s your cue to look into what is going on in your own district. As the educational powers-that-be continue to preach the woke gospel and district administrators feel pressure to find new ways to express their fealty to the holy trinity of Social-Emotional Learning, Social Justice, and DEI, using non-instructional periods for indoctrination is becoming more common.
Is your school using a designated time for these lessons? Does your child’s school have Advisory periods? If they have Homeroom, how is it utilized? What about an unstructured, or loosely structured, WINN period (WINN stands for “What I Need Now.” WIN-WYN “What I Need-What You Need” is another variation.)?
Find out if there is any time during the day that your child is being taught a lesson outside of their regular classes, who is teaching that lesson, and what it is about. Request to see the curriculum, and if you don’t like what you see (or if your district isn’t forthcoming), tell them that your child will not participate. If they say participation is mandatory, ask them to show you in writing where it states that the lesson is part of a credited class, that it is a graduation requirement or curricular requirement approved by the school committee, or expressly required by state law. And if the school forces the issue, contact us at massinformedparents@gmail.com. We have access to attorneys who would be happy to discuss your options with you, for free.
Oh, and teachers, this applies to you too. If your administration is requiring you to teach extra-curricular lessons that go against your beliefs, let us know.
Shame on the WMHS admin and guidance counselors who promoted this emotionally-manipulative, factually-inaccurate, politically-partisan, groomer-access-providing “lesson.” Cramming down controversial sexual and political ideologies on impressionable students is not okay, and neither is forcing your teachers to do the same. We hope that Wakefield parents will push back, and that parents everywhere will now know what to look for.
WMHS admin and guidance counselors, you tried “advising” your students. Now it’s our turn to offer you some advice. If you don’t like being in the MIP spotlight, it’s easy to avoid our attention. Stop confusing, sexualizing, and indoctrinating kids, and we won’t have any reason to share your lessons with the world. Easy peasy.
But in the meantime, we’ll keep on waking up Wakefield parents, and parents everywhere. Because as long as MA schools continue to indoctrinate kids, we will continue to expose them.
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This is a terrific report. Thanks MFI. How is it that 95% of parents out there aren’t paying attention?!
Absolutely NUTS!