Massachusetts Schools Don't Educate. They Indoctrinate.
Find out all the ways MA schools are harming kids.
In his book The Underground History of American Public Education, the late John Taylor Gatto wrote, “Government schooling made people dumber, not brighter; made families weaker; ruined formal religion with its hard-sell exclusion of God; set the class structure in stone by dividing children into classes and setting them against one another; and has been midwife to an alarming concentration of wealth and power in the hands of a fraction of the national community.” These are distressing words, given the fact they were written by an award-winning educator, who taught for 30 years in NYC public schools. But look at just a sampling of the stories coming out of MA public schools and it’s clear to see Gatto was right.
Report Warns of Failing Test Scores
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Rosa’s Story: Discriminated Against for Her Religious Beliefs
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Educators used to agree that children should not be exposed to inappropriate graphic content. Not anymore. Many MA school districts are adding books containing pornographic descriptions of sex acts, violence, drugs, drinking, transgenderism, and more to school library collections. When responsible parents object to the kind of explicit content their kids are given access to, they are labeled book burners by activist librarians and school officials.
Kids in MA schools are a captive audience. And they are being sexualized and indoctrinated through woke curriculum, ideologically driven teachers and administrators, activist student groups, and more. Concerned parents who see the harm being done to their children and who speak up to protect them are continually undermined and stonewalled by school officials. This is why Massachusetts Informed Parents (MIP) was founded, to support parents in their efforts to safeguard their kids in MA schools.
These are the issues we discuss:
Comprehensive Sexuality Education
Comprehensive Sexuality Education or CSE for short is a specific type of graphic sex education written upon the premise that children are sexual from birth and that they have the right to sexual pleasure. CSE normalizes sexual activity and high-risk sexual behaviors for minors. Listen to former CSE educator turned whistleblower, Monica Cline discuss the deception and harms of CSE. Read our robust recommended resources list to learn more about CSE and what parents can do to protect their children. Visit the Massachusetts Family Institute (MFI) website to view a sex ed map with linked district specific reports demonstrating what is being taught in sex ed classes.
Graphic Content in School Libraries
Educators used to agree that children should not be exposed to inappropriate graphic content. Not anymore. Many MA school districts are adding books containing pornographic descriptions of sex acts, violence, drugs, drinking, transgenderism, and more to school library collections. When responsible parents object to the kind of explicit content their kids are given access to, they are labeled book burners by activist librarians and school officials. Read our Parent Advisory List for a sampling of titles to be on the lookout for. Search for books in your local school library here. Read reports and ratings on problematic titles here and here.
Critical Race Theory and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Initiatives
Under the guise of equality, fairness, and justice MA students are being divided into arbitrary oppressor/oppressed groups, pitted against one another, taught revisionist history, and taught to reject their families deeply held beliefs regarding human sexuality and gender. Learn more about these harmful political and ideological agendas being imposed on MA children at Parents Defending Education.
Social Emotional Learning and School Surveys
Social Emotional Learning (SEL) programs claim to help kids manage their emotions, get along well with others, and ready students to attend to academic learning. Surveys are lauded as an effective way to help educators better meet the academic and social and emotional needs of their students. But SEL is a Trojan Horse, deceptively packaged as a positive mental health intervention, meant to transform the attitudes, morals, and worldview of impressionable youth away from the values of their parents. And surveys are nothing more than a manipulative propaganda tool. Read this informative article that lists several examples of intrusive surveys given to students in MA schools. To learn more, visit Courage is a Habit for informative PDFs that break down the harms of SEL programs and surveys in a digestible and readable format. Courage is a Habit also provides actionable tools and strategies parents can use to defend their children from indoctrination in K-12 education. Also, use this English or Spanish sample opt out letter from MFI to exempt your children from surveys.
Undermining of Parental Rights
Parents have the right and moral obligation to direct the upbringing and education of their children. MA schools consistently undermine parents. Learn more about protecting your parental rights from MFI. Also, read MFI’s “Know Your Rights: Responding to Graphic Sex Education and LGBTQ Content in Massachusetts Public Schools” PDF here.
Woke Teachers
The popular Libs of TikTok (LoTT) Twitter account with almost 2 million followers features videos of woke, activist teachers who unashamedly indoctrinate kids in critical race and queer theories and sexual and gender ideologies and who deliberately seek to separate children from their parents’ values and beliefs. MA teachers are no exception. This MA kindergarten teacher bragged about teaching 5-year-olds white privilege and mocked parents who expressed concern over the lesson. And this East Longmeadow teacher was recently fired after LoTT exposed her for making content for the porn site OnlyFans, while on school grounds.
Sex Ed Mandate Euphemistically Called “The Healthy Youth Act”
The MA legislator is considering mandating a controversial sex education framework for public schools. Currently, local schools can choose whether to teach sex ed and which curricula they will use. If the Sex Ed Mandate passes, local control over curricula will be taken away from districts and a CSE model will be mandated by unelected bureaucrats at the MA Department of Secondary and Elementary Education. This means parents who want to petition their district to use a healthier approach to teaching sex ed will have no recourse. Read the MFI legislative brief to learn more and this rebuttal by MIP to MA Senators’ talking points in favor of the bill.
Harmful Transgender Ideology
MA is a national leader in promoting radical gender ideology to children. MA public schools push transgender ideology on kids through lessons taught in classes, storybooks read to elementary students, CSE curricula, CRT/DEI/SEL programs and initiatives, books available to students in school libraries, student groups, school assemblies, safe school programs, and the deliberate efforts of activist school officials. It’s not surprising that the Trevor Project, a pro-LGBT research group, reports that youth are identifying as transgender at an increased rate. In fact, MassHealth has spent $7.6 million on “gender transition” treatments for children since 2012. MA taxpayer funding for “gender-affirming” care for children has increased over 600,000% in just ten years. Shocking. Read what MFI uncovered through a public records request to the MA Executive Office of Health and Human Services. MA children are being groomed toward transgender identification while in school and commodified by the lucrative sex reassignment industry.
Action Civics
History classes in MA schools are now less about learning the stories of the founding of our nation and our civic duty to uphold and defend the Constitution and more about training in leftist political activism. The takeover of civics education in our nation began in MA. Read how “action civics” became the norm in public education here.
An education is the formation of a heart and mind. Quality education gives students the tools they need to become lifelong learners, critical thinkers, and informed and productive members of society who love what is good, true, and beautiful. This is not the kind of education MA public school students are receiving.
Drag Queen Story Hours
Drag Queen Story Hours (DQSHs) for children are being hosted all across the state in public libraries. When MIP learns of DSQHs we do our best to warn parents and encourage concerned citizens to respectfully voice their opposition by contacting municipal leaders and library directors. Drag queens are adult sexual performers and should not be given a platform to influence children or be held up as role models of “diversity” for them. This should not be a controversial position. But somehow it is. Read about how the MIP founder was suspended from FB for warning parents about a recent DQSH in Taunton here. Contrary to what public officials tell you about these events, that they are harmless entertainment for kids, DQSHs are meant to prey upon the imagination of children and groom them in Marxist gender theory.
An education is the formation of a heart and mind. Quality education gives students the tools they need to become lifelong learners, critical thinkers, and informed and productive members of society who love what is good, true, and beautiful. This is not the kind of education MA public school students are receiving.
Instead of reading classical poetry, drama, and literature that teach complex vocabulary, plots, and setting, our children are reading books like The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison that graphically describes the rape of a child or Flamer by Mike Curato that includes sexual awakening, disrespect of religion, vulgarity, graphic images of pornography use, masturbation, and suicidal ideation.
Instead of learning the immutable scientific reality of biological sex our children are learning that boys can be turned into girls and girls can be turned into boys.
Instead of being taught by teachers and school administrators to honor the traditions and beliefs of their families our children are being taught to hate God and dishonor and keep information from their parents.
MIP wants to help protect children in MA schools and empower parents to take charge of their children’s education. Through our grassroots efforts partnering with parents across the state local parent coalitions have formed, citizens concerned about issues in education are running for and winning school committee seats, thousands of children are being opted out of graphic comprehensive sexuality education classes, parents are showing up to school committee meetings and speaking out against the indoctrination and sexualization of their children, innovative alternative school options are being created, and school officials are being held accountable. Our important work is gaining momentum and we are more committed than ever to equip parents to protect their kids. Help us grow the movement! Invite your friends and family to join our efforts by sharing our FB group, subscribing to our Substack site, and following us on Twitter.
If we don’t protect our children, who will?